During wartimes, people’s biggest concerns were with weapons of mass destruction. These days, most of the wars we experience are inside our own heads. Now, we’re dealing with weapons of mass distraction. With the rise of technology, and social media, being yourself is much easier said than done. Corporations now have nearly unlimited access to our attention. And once they have our attention, they can plant any message they want inside our fertile minds.
Unfortunately, the messages that make the mainstream are the ones telling us that we’re not enough; that the grass is greener on the other side; that we’re a problem that can be quickly fixed; that convenience is superior to hard work. Consequently, most people get stuck in a cycle of comparison, consumption, and complacency. The longer we get stuck in this cycle, the more we forget our true purpose: to become the best version of ourselves.
“Though we take pride in our individualism and independence, we seem particularly enamored of fitting in. To a certain extent, the desire to fit in and be accepted is natural and normal. But when it comes at the cost of losing sight of who we are as marvelously unique individuals, something is amiss” (Matthew Kelly, Perfectly Yourself).
We can become so distracted that we forget our innate ability to dream, to imagine what a meaningful, worthwhile life is for us as individuals. In turn, people will accept hand-me-down dreams in the form of a career that they’re not even passionate about, or get trapped into a dead-end job just to survive. Time is of the essence, and we’re losing the time, and the attention, we need to think for, and get to know, ourselves.
What we gain in comfort, we lose in competence. What we gain in convenience, we lose in willpower. What we gain in certainty, we lose in discovering who we’re really meant to become.
But, there is a way out.
“In a society that profits from your self-doubt, liking yourself is a rebellious act.”
The way is of rebellion — an inner rebellion. It’s a resistance against becoming a second-rate version of yourself and, instead, allowing your most authentic self to shine. The way isn’t a quick-fix; it’s the journey of your lifetime. It’s a commitment to yourself.
DECARL is a way of living, and a reminder to live to your fullest:
Dream Endlessly — If you can think it, you can do it. If you can visualize it, you can become it.
Create Authentically — Do good work. Express your truth. Enjoy the fruits of your labor.
Rebel Lovingly — Every day is a battle to become a better version of yourself. Rebel against the negative thoughts, beliefs, and habits holding you back. Allow love to guide your actions and inspire positive thoughts, beliefs, and habits that will foster daily growth.
My mission is to become my most authentic self. Along the way, my goal is to pass on whatever knowledge, ideas, and insights that help me progress, and navigate through the craziness that we call life, in hopes that we all can become our most authentic selves, together.
So with that being said…
Through this brand, I hope I’m able to offer some value to help you along your own journey. We are all created so uniquely — born to discover and share our dreams with the world. What I fear most is reaching the end of my life knowing I didn’t do everything I was meant to do; that I didn’t fully experience this miraculous world to the best of my abilities.
Don’t be afraid to unmask your potential, and become everything you’re meant to be.
1 comment
Powerful words Decarl—can’t wait for more ♡♡♡