Can’t find happiness?
Don’t know who you are?
Feel like there’s more to life than whatever you’re doing with your days right now?
Well, that’s okay.

But, what’s not okay is to allow those feelings to dwell, and make no attempt to discover who you’re meant to be and progress in that direction.
Everybody gets lost. Shoot, I would even go as far to say that everybody is lost. If you’re not somewhat lost, it means you’re following a path that has already been paved by someone else. If you’re on a paved path, that means you’re not actively discovering your own. And discovering your own path, I believe, is the purpose of living.
But before you can discover your own path, you need to build a foundation for yourself to march steadily upon.
This foundation is your self-image. Your self-image is the beginning point of all your life’s experiences.
How you see yourself in your own eyes determines what you get out of life. Self-image is your own conception of yourself. It is the mental and emotional picture you hold in your own consciousness of who you are, what you are about, and what you represent (Dr. Herbert Harris, The 12 Universal Laws of Success). A strong self-image is founded on positive thoughts and feelings of love, respect, faith, health, and wealth. A poor self-image is founded on negative thoughts and feelings of fear, anxiety, doubt, degradation, and poverty.
If you have a poor self-image, you can’t engage with life to your fullest:
- You miss opportunities that are in plain sight.
- You make decisions based on fear and doubt.
- You lack confidence in your ability to make anything happen for yourself.
- You create drama and conflict in most of your relationships.
If you have a strong self-image, you can give, receive, and interact with life to your fullest:
- You see all of the opportunities that are best for your future self.
- You make decisions based on love and faith.
- You have confidence in your ability to make the best of any situation.
- You create peace and trust in all of your relationships.
You are the artist, and the work of art.
Through your self-image you can recreate yourself into the person you dream of being. You can accomplish anything your heart desires when you’ve got a clear sense of your worth, and the value you have to offer the world.
Signs of a poor self-image:
- Putting the blame on someone else.
- Running away from your problems.
- Criticizing other people constantly.
- Waiting for someone else to solve your problems.
- Pretending that everything is OK.
(Dr. Herbert Harris,The 12 Universal Laws of Success)

How to improve your self-image:
- Be honest with yourself.
- Develop your imagination.
- Be able to relax.
- Have that winning feeling.
- Cultivate good habits.
- Aim to be happy.
- Unmask.
- Have compassion.
- Grow from your mistakes.
- Acknowledge your weaknesses.
- Be yourself.
- Never stop growing.
(Dr. Herbert Harris,The 12 Universal Laws of Success)
I believe that developing your self-image is the most important work you can do for yourself. The best part is that it only demands one resource from you: your attention. With continuous attention throughout your daily endeavors, you’re able to spot the signs that your self-image is lacking, and correct your thoughts, behaviors, and habits to strengthen your self-image into a powerful foundation to make lasting positive change in your life experience.
Your self-image is a magnet. You attract the things in your life experience that align with your thoughts and feelings about yourself. If you want a positive life experience — full of health, wealth, fun, and fulfilling relationships — develop your self-image so your experiences reflect the positive thoughts and feelings from within.
It is your job to create beauty and meaning within your own life.
Do you want to live your life to the fullest? Start today by paying attention to your self-image.
Next Sunday’s (7.28) article will go more in depth on the ways to improve your self-image.
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