About Me

My name is Christian DeCarl Jones. I’m a designer, illustrator, and, you guessed it, owner of DeCarl’s WRLD. I currently offer various graphic design and illustration services (navigate to ‘Services’ in main menu to learn more).

I created the Instagram page (@decarlswrld), in January of 2021, as an art project. I had just gotten into the reading of self-development books, and I wanted to transform the wisdom I was reading into art that people could relate to. The idea of a criminal character was born from my feelings of never really belonging in a particular group growing up. And, at the time, I was studying mechanical engineering, while playing basketball, at college. It felt criminal to have this desire to be an artist, considering I’ve never given it a serious thought before digging myself three years deep into a degree that requires the technical skills that are quite opposite of an artist. So, the combination of sitting through countless life-sucking lectures, breaking my body down through countless basketball practices, and dealing with the consequences of the covid-19 pandemic, led me to create the metaphorical character, DeCarl. 

What started as an Instagram page, has turned into a brand that represents, and holds the values of, authenticity, creativity, and self-growth. My mission remains the same as when I first created the page, to spread wisdom through my art.

I’m currently working on a couple projects. The first is my “365-Day Design Challenge” that I started on December 28th, 2023 (I literally couldn’t wait for the new year to begin). My goal is create and post one unique design every day for 365 days in a row, utilizing my graphic design and illustration skills. Throughout this project, I plan on making my art accessible, and supportable, by dropping multiple merchandise collections. You can best follow my journey on this project on Instagram (@decarlswrld).

My second project is “I’m Not Crazy Life Is”. This project is based around my studies of self-development. My goal is to create awareness around the problems and pain-points I experience, and present the solutions that work best for me in navigating through the craziness of life. You can best follow my journey on this project on Instagram (@imnotcrazy.lifeis), or through the blog, I’m Not Crazy Life Is, on imnotcrazylifeis.com

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